www.facebook.com/R7Gen/Dear Youth, Parents, and Caretakers,
Thank you for your interest in the Firelodge Tribal Youth Program’s Rekindling 7 Generations. Rekindling 7 Generations (R7G) maintains a cooperative mission of all past CPN youth-related programs. We aim to nurture the spiritual, mental, physical, and social development of Potawatomi and Native youth and their community by rooting them in their Potawatomi culture, familial and intergenerational bonds, and intertribal relationships to grow the future tribal leaders, citizens, and partners of Citizen Potawatomi Nation. The vision of R7G is that our next generation will develop and renew respectful, reciprocal, and responsible relationships with themselves, their peers, their communities, and future generations. Non-Native students are welcome to participate in our programs because it is important for all youth to have a better understanding of their peers and larger communities in which we all live together.
As we move forward, we welcome a new partnership with Behavioral Health to better serve our youth. Through the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative and Native Connections Grants, Behavioral Health has hired a licensed counselor, Rickey Whisenhunt, and are in the process of hiring a psychologist to work on-site with the FireLodge’s Rekindling 7 Generations Tribal Youth Program. The counselor and psychologist will be conducting screenings with the youth (after receiving caretaker consent forms) to determine the best services and programming for youth participants and/or their families throughout the month of March.
Enrollment will open again March 1 serving ages 9-17 (or high school senior). Youth will be separated into two age groups (9-13 and 14-17). Re-enrollment will be guaranteed for all the current PLACE and Rekindling 7 Generation youth participants using our new application and intake process. Youth who have been participants in CPN youth programs over the last three years will receive preference during this next enrollment opportunity (programs including the PLACE and Cultural Mentorship Program). As it has been in the past, the FireLodge Tribal Youth Program is Potawatomi and Native preference. Transportation home will be provided based on need and location.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lakota Pochedley at
lakota.pochedley@potawatomi.org or 405-214-5110