Ivy Tech Community College Northeast Indiana         Home School Connect
Please fill out the below information to begin a connection with an Ivy Tech Dual Credit College Advisor serving homeschooled students. We provide home school support to the 11 counties in Northeast Indiana. We can't wait to share exciting opportunities with you and your students.

Each month a "Homeschool Chat" is hosted; this event will explain our homeschool dual enrollment process. These topics include enrolling as a student, registering for courses, transfer of credits, high school equivalencies, scholarships and so much more!

This form will help you connect in the best way for your family.

Our contact information is below for any immediate questions or future reference:
Claire Baker: cbaker255@ivytech.edu 
Lindsey Dilk: ldilk1@ivytech.edu 
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Street Address *
Zip Code *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Email Address *
Student's Name *
Best Phone Number *
Students Grade Level *
When can you connect? Select a preferred day/time to connect with a HomeSchool Chat... *
Which topics are are you hoping to discuss concerning homeschool dual credit classes or college admission? *
How did you find this form? *
Further Questions/Comments?
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