30 minute coaching call application
Thank you for your interest in potentially working with me. I have created this application form so I can understand a bit more about you, your fertility history and what you are looking for before we meet.

I will get back to you within 48 hours and send you my calendar link to book a complementary 30 minute coaching call to discuss the support you need.

The Embrace Fertility Method – Giving you the tools to enhance your fertility.

Empowering you to feel calm and confident while trying to conceive

  • Overcome anxiety and negative thinking to find peace of mind.
  • Begin to love and trust your body at a deep level.
  • Access your inner strength and build your resilience.
  • Connect with others and forge new friendships with people in a similar situation to yourself.
  • Prepare for your next step – be that a lifestyle change, a treatment option or pregnancy itself.
  • Build a toolkit to help you throughout your journey, to combat jealousy, anger, worry and fear.
  • Strengthen your relationship with your partner.
  • Recapture the excitement of when you first decided to try for a baby.
  • Develop patience, trust in yourself and your ability to handle anything in your life. 
The Embrace Fertility Method 12 week course, group coaching calls and Embrace Circle membership.
Investment £995 - payment plans available.

The Shift Package

Includes the full 12 week Embrace Fertility Method, group coaching calls and Embrace Circle membership with additional one to one coaching and therapy calls and Telegram voicenote support for 12 weeks. 

Investment £2496 - Payment plan available.

Pregnancy Care Package - £750

Embrace Bump to Baby Confident Childbirth online course - £225 

Please note I do not offer one-off sessions, I offer 3 month support packages.

Please email me with any questions naomi@embracefertility.co.uk.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Please give me a brief history of your circumstances including how long you have been trying to conceive, any medical diagnosis, past pregnancies, treatment etc. *
Which best describes where you're at: *
Please give more detail on how you are currently feeling about your fertility journey. *
What is your number one challenge right now with trying to conceive? *
What are you most struggling with at the moment? Where would you like the most support?
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If you could wave a magic wand and change the way you felt right now how would you like to feel and why? *
What time zone are you in? I'm BST UK. *
What day/time is best for a zoom call over the next 4 days?
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
How did you find out about me?
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What's your Instagram handle? Please add if you are happy for me to reach out on Insta. 
How long have you been on my mailing list?
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Due to General Data Protection Regulation I need your permission to collect your details on this form and to contact you in regards to fertility support. Is that ok? *
Thank you for your interest I will be in touch in 48 hours. Naomi xxx

If you have not done so already please join my mailing list, you may like to watch my latest free classes to get started using these techniques to support your journey to motherhood. www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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