East Hampton Film Camp: July 7-11, 2025
Please complete one form for each applicant.
Space is limited to 18 campers per session.

Hamptons Film Festival Office
79 Newtown Lane, East Hampton 

After registering, please make payment through these links: 
No refunds. 

(Note: signing into Google is NOT required to complete the form below.)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which Session? *
Camper's First Name *
Camper's Last Name *
Camper's Age (in July) *
Camper's Current Grade in School *
Camper's Pronouns *
Camper's Local Address *
Parent/Guardian's Full Name *
Parent/Guardian's Email Address *
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number (in case of emergency) *

I agree to hold HamptonsFilm, its employees and volunteers harmless from liability resulting from my child’s participation in the program and/or inadvertent exposure to or illness from COVID. 


I give permission for this camper to participate in the HamptonsFilm Summer Film Camp in 2024. 

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