Reference Letter Form
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Email *
Who are you supplying a reference letter for? Please list their first and last name *
Your Name *
Your phone number *
May we call you with any additional questions in regards to this reference? *
Briefly describe your relationship to the applicant. *
How long have you known the applicant? *
Are you related to the applicant in any way? *
Please describe the applicants greatest strengths. *
The applicant will be working with children. Do you think that the applicant will thrive in this environment? Why or why not? *
Assuming the applicant will work well with children, which age group do you believe they will work best with? (infants, pre-school, elementary, middle)? *
We are looking for an applicant who is always on time, has great communication skills, and is extremely organized. Do you think the applicant will meet our requirements? Why or why not? *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about the applicant that would help me to make this hiring decision?
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