💸IOI Predict Competition💸
🚀The most anticipated NFT project of 2021 is giving away $5000 in USDT for the right price prediction of $IOI Token 7 days after listing.

💯The closest guess of IOI token price will get $5000 in $USDT tokens when the competition has ended.

🔥Listing is this week and competition ends in the middle of June

What is IOI?
$IOI is a racing game centring around the use of NFT based characters, cars and tracks.
There is so much you can do to participate and earn more $IOI in order to buy more NFTs and get new experiences in the game.

To enter this massive opportunity simply fill out the form and follow the steps below:

✅   Twitter Tasks!   ✅
1️⃣ Follow https://twitter.com/IOI_game on twitter

✅   Telegram tasks!   ✅
2️⃣ Join http://t.me/IOIGAME ) on telegram
3️⃣ Join https://t.me/IOIGAMES on telegram

✅ Youtube tasks! ✅
4️⃣ Subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTeWAlQBKErsyYYy31WfVQ on Youtube

All tasks mandatory, only complete and valid entries can enter competition.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Twitter task *
Follow https://twitter.com/IOI_game ?
What is your telegram handle? e.g. @example * *
Youtube Task! *
Subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTeWAlQBKErsyYYy31WfVQ on Youtube
What is your link youtube account? *
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