Text & Voice Chatbots for Hotels & Restaurants
We are a technology company eager to learn about how Artificial Intelligence, chatbots and Voice assistants can help you deliver more value to your customers. Your inputs would help us make improvements to our new product. The survey should only take 2 minutes, and we would like to offer a free trial access to our platform in exchange of your valuable time.
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Email *
Name *
What type of customers/businesses do you work with? *
How many of your customers plan to use chatbots in next 6 months? *
Are you currently using any platforms to build chatbots? *
What type of chatbot projects do your customers demand or you recommend? *
How long does a typical project run? *
What type of chatbots do customers prefer? *
Do chatbots feature in your long term marketing strategy? *
What are your challenges in implementing chatbot projects? *
What are your expectations from a technology partner/platform? *
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