Call for abstracts SIG Event Practice Research
Our SIG event will unpack the challenges, such as political, ethical, epistemological and methodological questions, arising from social work practice research collaboration. It also aims to create space for exchanging ideas that helps us sail through the troubled water of ‘working together’.

The aims of these working groups are for gathering working knowledge and developing a supportive learning community among members to explore the complexity and possibilities in collaboration. In the workshop, the contributors can base on a concrete example of their work to either raise a question for discussion or facilitate participants to contribute their experiences around a topic.

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Name and surname
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Topic of the working group. Give a brief description of the topic or question you want to address in the workshop (max. 200 words)
Your experiences. Describe your experiences you want to bring into the working group (max. 200 words)
Exploring and learning from each other. What possible questions do you want to explore in the working group session? (max. 200 words)
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