ASES Media Interest Form
What we’re offering:
- List your logo on our website and/or in program related emails.
- Include an event or organization shoutout in our Eight-Minute Update once a year.
- Include your event(s) on our events page.
- Use our social media platforms to promote your organization/event once a quarter.
- Receive a complimentary one-year ASES Business Membership.

What we’re requesting from you:
- Post the ASES logo, linked to, on your website.
- Post the program (Conference or Tour) logo linked to the event website on your website.
- Send out National Solar Conference and National Solar Tour graphics and captions to your email list once a year.
- Post National Solar Conference and National Solar Tour on your events listing.
- Blow us up on social media! Promote the Conference, Tour, or Solar Today magazine once a quarter.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please fill out this form to become an ASES Media Partner.
Which program are you interested in promoting? *
Organization Name *
Contact Name *
Email *
Website *
Newsletter Name
Please provide a link to each of your social media accounts.
Thank you for your partnership. You can grab all the materials on and we'll also follow up via email. Anything else you would like to tell us?
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