Lunch Labs - Virginia Annual Conference 2024

As Annual Conference 2024 draws near, the Office of Missional Engagement is thrilled to introduce something exciting and experimental - (drum roll please) - Lunch Labs! What are Lunch Labs, exactly? (We’re so glad you asked!) 

Lunch Labs are experiential learning opportunities that will equip and resource members and guests of the Annual Conference as they seek to connect with each other, their church, their community, and the world. Participants will engage with seasoned practitioners and hear their stories of joys, failures, and lessons learned. They’ll also have opportunities to dream, experiment and (hopefully) leave the labs feeling more inspired, equipped and encouraged to embody God’s love and hope in the world. 

Below, you’ll find descriptions of four different  Lunch Labs that will be offered on both Thursday, June 20th and Friday, June 21st. (The same four labs will be offered each day). We encourage you to attend one on both Thursday and Friday if possible.  They will begin each day at 12:30 PM and conclude around 1:30 PM, and will meet in Conference Rooms A, B, C, and D at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Lunch will not be provided. However, you are encouraged to bring lunch with you and enjoy it in community.

To find our more about our Lunch Lab offerings, please visit: 

Registration is highly encouraged, but not required! If you’re ready to sign up and join us in the laboratory, please click here. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Office of Missional Engagement at

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