Welcome, Introduction, and Commitment to Pacific Neurofeedback
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We are pleased to welcome you to your exciting new journey of treatment through Neurofeedback (NFB). This is a chance for you to learn more about your brain and how fascinating it can be in terms of diminishing or increasing behaviors based on visual bio-feedback. As we embark on this journey together, we will emphasize patience, motivation, relaxation, trust, and honesty throughout the process.

Patience: It is important to understand that progress in NFB training can take anywhere from 10-20 sessions, although research suggests that some people may show improvements in their symptoms after the first few sessions. It may take anywhere from 20-24 sessions for the learning that takes place within NFB to be fully consolidated and possibly longer, depending on the severity of the case. Personalizing your protocol may take some time as we work to determine what type of training is right for you. 

Motivation: Your Neurofeedback Technician will do their best to motivate you to continue to show up to your NFB sessions, along with increasing other behaviors to help you optimize your NFB training. Research suggests that getting a good night's sleep the night before training (~8 hours), eating healthy, engaging in ~30 minutes of physical activity daily, and decreasing screen time and social media intake (especially before bed) can improve the benefits of NFB training. 

Relaxation: Being in a "calm-focused" state during your NFB sessions can assist in your brain functioning by allowing your brain to relax and pay all of its attention to the training. Thinking too hard about the training or too little can impact what brain waves are being emitted. It is best to let go of all external factors and stressors that are affecting your life while you are in your NFB session.

Trust: Though the process of showing consistent positive results may take some time, trust it! Research suggests that NFB has been shown to produce positive results in 80% of people who do trainings consistently. We hope that you will fall into that percentage, too! 

Honesty: Being honest with your Neurofeedback Technician on the symptoms you are experiencing and changes in behaviors that you notice throughout your training process is important. Knowing exactly what you are experiencing outside of the office can help assist your Technician in determining what changes need to be made in order to increase positive results. 

Any and all questions regarding the information above can and will be answered during your NFB session. Your technician can go into more detail on the information above if desired during your NFB session. We look forward to working with you! 
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