Mentorship for Sustainability Application - Ongoing Mentee Application
Applications are open yearlong!

Potential participants for the Mentorship for Sustainability Program, please fill out this application form, so we can best connect you with a collaborative mentor with interests and skills that best align with your own. 

Please don't be discouraged if you are not selected this session. We often have more applicants than available slots. However, if you aren't selected, you will be able to join our monthly volunteer activities, and will be first on our list for the next session of the program.

Mentees also have the chance to be entered into a raffle for cash prizes by completing parts of the program. 

Together for Nature offers a paid Mentorship for Sustainability Program open to high school and college students. The program is focused on involving youth and young professionals in local sustainability efforts and equipping them with skills and knowledge that will help them in their academic and professional journeys, preparing them for a green future. Sustainability works to advance environmental health, social equity and economic vitality to achieve thriving, diverse and resilient communities for this generation and future generations.

Mentees are considered volunteers because they are contributing to advancing the sustainability of their communities through their personal development and contributions to local projects.

The program has sessions in the spring, summer, and fall and provides mentees with mentoring and skill development through educational, scientific, activist, and networking opportunities. We have mentors that are working on stream/wetland restoration, lobbying, environmental justice, diversifying sustainability, pollinator gardens, and other topics. Mentees can apply to the rolling application to participate in the next cohort in the year.

The program involves:
Building relationships with experienced sustainability leaders/professionals
Attending monthly sessions
Virtual & hands-on learning about issues that matter to you

Program Dates: Spring - February to April, Summer - June to August, Fall -  October to December
Deadline for applications: Spring - January 7th, Summer - May 6th, Fall - September 7th
Zoom orientation: TBD
Required Zoom Check-ins: Fourth Mondays 6:00 to 7:15 pm
6-Hour Time Commitment per month- Suggested: 1 hr/month for mentoring meeting, 1 hr/month monthly virtual check-in calls, and 2+ hr/month for sustainability work/volunteering
Pay rate: $18/hr

Students can get experience in planning and implementing research, sustainability lobbying, outreach, restoration, conservation, and more!

For any question, please reach out to
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Email *
Please Tell Us About Yourself
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Parent Email (if under 18). Put N/A if it does not apply. *
What school do you attend? *
What grade are you in? *
What is your age? *
What are your pronouns? *
What is your T-shirt size? *
What is your racial/ethnic/cultural identity? *
Tell Us About Your Interest in the Mentorship Program
What interested you about the Mentorship for Sustainability Program?
Do you have any prior volunteer experience? (It is ok if not, we would just like to know your history!) *
Do you have any prior environmental or sustainability experience? (It is ok if not, we would just like to know your history!) *
What are some challenges you have faced in your educational and professional journeys? How have you worked to overcome them? How are you working to overcome them? *
How will you contribute to the diversity of our program? *
Tell Us About Your Mentorship Preferences
What sort of issues are you MOST interested in learning more about? (Check up to 4 boxes.) If you are interested in issues that are not listed, include them in the other option.  *
Some of our mentors already have some sustainability projects you can work on. The projects are listed below. Please select the projects that most interest you.  
How many hours a month do you want to work on environmental and sustainability issues for the program? This can be a total estimate, but your answer will help us match you up with the right local efforts. 
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Are you able to attend in-person in Northeastern Illinois or do you need to work virtually?
What gender would you prefer your mentor?  (We'll do our best!)
"Buddy" mentoring. Some of our former mentees expressed interest in being mentored with a friend under one mentor and doing the meetings, events, and/or projects together. Would you be interested in working with a friend? *
If you answered "yes" to the above question, who is the other student that you would like to be paired with?
Do you have any other preferences or requirements in pairing you up with a mentor? 
Required Program Forms
Please fill out the required program forms found here:  English  Spanish
Everyone: Background Information and Volunteer Liability Waiver.
Applicants under 18: Please have your parent/guardian fill out the Parent/Guardian Consent Form.

If you open the forms in Adobe Reader, you can sign them online. Otherwise, print, fill out, and scan or photograph them. Email completed forms to
How did you hear about our programs? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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