Franklin Dance Team Session 2                           New Student Sign Up 
Thank you for your interest in Franklin Dance Team! 
Please fill out the form below by Friday, January 24 at 8PM.
Dance session 2 will be from January 28 to May 20. Practices will be on Tuesdays 3:05-4:05PM. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Student Name (First and Last): *
Grade: *
Teacher: *
Student's School E-mail:  *
T-Shirt Size (T-shirts are around $12...more info to come): *
Parent/Guardian 1 Name: *
Parent/Guardian 1 Phone Number:  *
Parent/Guardian 1 E-mail: *
Parent/Guardian 2 Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian 2 E-mail:
Why does your child want to join the Franklin Dance Team? *
List prior dance experience (all levels welcome): *
Student agrees to follow the behavior expectations listed on the flyer and to attend all practices. Student understands that if they do not have positive behavior or miss more than two practices/performances (without an excused absence), they will no longer be permitted to participate on the dance team. They understand that dance team is a commitment, and agree to practice their routines at home for at least 60 mins per week. Student agrees to join and check Google Classroom for announcements and practice videos.
Parent/guardian agrees to pick up, or arrange alternate transportation methods, for their child promptly at 4:05PM outside the auditorium (by Franklin mural). Parent/guardian understands that if their child is consistently picked up late that their child will no longer be permitted to participate on the dance team (Note: Children in other afterschool programs like CREST Childcare may go to their program after dance practice). Parent/guardian will read weekly newsletters and remind their student to practice for at least 60 minutes per week.
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