Downtown Mathematics Invitational
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Please register your teams by Tuesday, November 28th, so we can arrange for things like T-shirts. You will be notified by December 1st of how many teams were approved.

You can adjust your teams before the competition, but you will have to make do with the T-shirt sizes you requested.
On Saturday December 16th, the 7th annual Downtown Mathematics Invitational will be held at Stuyvesant High School.

The competition will be set up as a mini-ARML style competition, featuring teams of 6 students. Each team will compete in  Power, Team, Individual, and Marathon Rounds.

The competition is scheduled to begin around 8:00am and run until about 4pm.

Participants can expect a level of difficulty similar to early-mid AMC 12. Past problems are available on the DMI website.
This contest is open to teams from any high school within the five boroughs of New York City, private or public.
Students must be in grades 9-12 to participate.
School may request up to 3 teams each. Each school is guaranteed one team as well as space for up to two alternates. Other teams will be approved as space allows. The alternates will not count towards your team score, but will be formed into teams including alternates from other schools.
Team Information
School Name *
Coach's Name *
Do you, as coach, plan to attend the competition? *
It is preferred for teams to come with an adult, but not required.
How many Teams would you like to bring? *
You are guaranteed at least one team. The others will depend on space available.
Team 1 Name *
Team 2 Name
Team 3 Name
Do you plan to bring alternates? If so, how many? *
You are guaranteed at least one team. The others will depend on space available.
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