Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya, Latur (Autonomous)
Feedback on curriculum from Teacher
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Name of the Teacher *
Department *
Name of the College *
Mobile No. and E-mail *
Name of the subject and course on which feedback is given: *
1. Applicability/relevance to real life situations & local developmental needs *
2. Weightage given to Employability, Entrepreneurship and Skill development *
3. Weightage given to project *
4. Weightage given to practical, field work component *
5. Depth  of  the course  content *
6. Inclusion/incorporation of latest advancements in the subject *
7. Difficulty level of course content *
8. Optimization of course content *
9. Mechanism used for development /revision of curriculum by BoS *
10. Relevance of  learning objectives and outcomes of syllabus *
11. Level of course outcomes *
12. Weightage given to Learning  values (in  terms   of  knowledge, concepts, manual skills, analytical abilities and broadening *
13. Sequence of the Courses provided in the curriculum *
14. Quality, Clarity  and  relevance  of  textual reading / Reference  material / Study material *
15 Overall rating *
Suggestions for improvement in curriculum design and development *
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