Philip Morris vs. the World
You will be researching a specific Lobbying organization to figure out what they do and how they get involved with the political system. As a focus research Philip Morris International (Using the link on the class website) and answer the questions below.

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1. Research and summarize what is Philip Morris International and who do they represent? *
2. Looking at the graph of Philip Morris’ Spending (Link on the course website) explain the general shape of the graph and then predict why the graph is shaped the way that it is. *
3. Use the internet to explain any major changes in the shape of the graph. *
4. Research a bit more and find out how Philip Morris directly and indirectly lobbies in Washington D.C. *
5. Why has Philip Morris been vilified? How have they been punished in the past? *
6. What is your opinion of lobbying groups like Philip Morris and the influence they have in Washington? *
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