Rangitāne Reo Rau - KPTR - expression of interest

It is important you include all whānau members who will be involved in this registration form :)

Reo Rau The initiative

To ensure that ROM language, protocols and practices flourish, we aim to instil pride, increase awareness and lift the wellbeing of our whānau through the understanding and usage of ROM language, protocols and practices.

ROMST realise the importance of supporting ROM whānau to learn the language and will invest in upskilling ROMST, especially in the revitalisation of language practices.

A series of Wānanga Reo for ROM beneficiaries and spouses will be coordinated to learn ROM specific language as well as regular language lessons.

Reo Rau Commitment

  • Each participant position is valued at $800 - covers all costs incurred by the programme.
  • Course is free - costs cover kaiako, venue, kai & administration & resources

  • Blended delivery (x1 Face to face wānanga & online course).

  • 8 Weeks of Learning 

  • 1 x wānanga (4 hours) - attendance compulsory

  • 1 hour self guided learning per week (guided by the online course)

  • 1 hour online support class per week

  • 1 x celebration wānanga (3 hours)

  • 7 levels of learning - ranging from Levels 1-2, Levels 3-4, Level 5 &  Levels 6-7)

Who are we looking for & What will be needed

Kia ū, kia ita, kia manawanui

Whānau who will commit to this course for the entire 8 Weeks

Arohatia te reo me te rohe.

Whānau who are passionate about learning te reo Māori, particularly in their home.

He toa takitini taku toa

Whānau who will help and support all whānau involved. My success is that of the collective.


By Wednesday 18 September
  • Fully complete the “Rangitāne Reo Rau expression of interest form”.
By Tuesday 24 September
  • Attend a meeting OR interview with one/some of the team
By Wednesday 25 September
  • Registrations confirmed & acceptance letter sent/emailed
By Friday 27 September
All confirmed registered whānau share directly to Hohepa, a 1-2min video of their whānau discussing;
  • 1 to 3 collectively agreed reo Māori aspirations for 2024
  • How the course will contribute to their whānau achieving them (1-2min MAX).
Sunday 29 September
  • Attend "Language Planning Wānanga"
Sunday 29 September - 1 December
  • Complete Language Course
Sunday 1 December
  • Celebration Wānanga

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