Colony Cats (& dogs) Working (Barn) Cats Adoption Application
Please fill out the form below to help us better understand your needs of working cats on your property. Once the form has been completed a Colony Cats volunteer will be in touch with you within 24-48 hours to discuss the program.
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Full Name: *
Email: *
Phone #: *
Address where the cats will live: *
City, State, Zip code: *
Do you rent or own the address where the cats will live? *
Landlord's Name and Phone Number             (write N/A if you own): *
Which best describes the shelter the cats will have access to: *
Are there dogs that will be running loose in this area? *
How many working cats are you seeking? *
Who will be primary caretaker of these cats? *
Are you (or someone at this location) willing to provide food and water to the cats every day? *
What type of cats are you interested in: *
Do you currently have other cats that share this shelter? *
If there are other cats, are they spayed/neutered?
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How long are you willing to keep the cats confined until they are acclimated to their new home? *
Do you have the supplies to keep the cats confined until they are acclimated to their new home? *
All the information that I have provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Should cats be placed with me, they will reside in the location specified. I agree to provide the cats with adequate food, water, shelter, and medical care.
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