RSVP to come to the State Capitol in support of SB 961 on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Walk San Francisco and San Francisco Bay Area Families for Safe Streets are heading to Sacramento... and you're invited! 

We are going to the State Capitol to show strong support for Senate Bill 961 (Intelligent Speed Assistance) at a crucial hearing in the Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee. 
When: Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Hearing begins at 1:30pm. Those riding the bus from San Francisco will leave at 11:00AM (SHARP) with an estimated return to San Francisco by 7:30PM.

Who: Safe streets advocates like YOU! No need for any experience. Pubic comment at the State Capitol is very short and sweet. Every voice helps us show strong support for this lifesaving bill.

Transportation & Food: We plan on renting a bus assuming we have enough people; otherwise, we will carpool or take the train. You are also welcome to meet us at the State Capitol, and we are helping connect people who need rides from outside of San Francisco. Please indicate your preference below. Walk SF will also provide lunch and snacks for the day. 

If you have any questions, contact Learn more at

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First Name *
Last Name *
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Cell Phone *
Will you join us for a day in Sacramento at the Capitol on Tuesday July 2 11:00AM - 7:30PM?  *
Will you be traveling from San Francisco? *
Do you want to ride on the bus we're renting (leaving from San Francisco/City Hall at 11:00AM and returning by 7:30PM)? *
If not traveling from San Francisco, where will you be coming from?  *
If you are driving from another Bay Area destination, do you have room for others? If so, how many?
Are you a Walk San Francisco member? *
Are you part of the San Francisco Bay Area Families for Safe Streets or another Families for Safe Streets community? *
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