Join Ferocious Fighters!
Joining Ferocious Fighters means a couple of things.  First, a successful membership application allows you to access the online support for parents, and if you so choose, it also allows your child to access a wide variety of peer support options as well to connect with and learn from others who are in this battle as well.

Additionally, Ferocious Fighters will send out a Welcome package shortly after your membership application in order to welcome your child to Ferocious Fighters, let them know they are not alone, along with a couple of small awareness gifts and encouraging cards.

Ferocious Fighters will include your child in our encouragement mailings - 2-4 encouragement based mailing per year with fun activities/small surprises - and our birthday program where we will wish your Ferocious Fighter a happy birthday (first name, last initial only) on our Facebook page and mail a card with a small something special each year.

Finally, when it is your kiddo's turn, based on fundraising, we send out the big care package that you may have seen pictures of on our website and facebook page. This will be sent to the address you provide in this form unless you email with a change of address!

Every child (ages 0-21) with a CRPS, RSD, RND, AMPS diagnosis will be accepted and receive their package in first come, first serve order.  Each care package costs approximately $100 to create and ship, so if you are able and willing, a donation along with your nomination will help us get to your Ferocious Fighter more quickly, however, ability to donate DOES NOT change the order in which care packages are sent and NO DONATIONS ARE REQUIRED AT ANY TIME.

In order for your membership request to be successful, please be aware of the requirements. Every Ferocious Fighter must have been 1) diagnosed with CRPS/RSD/RND/AMPS and 2) be between the ages of 0 and 21 at the time of nomination so please include diagnosis information in the requested bio for quick approval.

World wide nominations are accepted although some products may have to be adjusted due to customs requirements of various countries.
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Relationship to the child being nominated? *
Your Phone Contact *
Your Email Contact *
Please do not put your child's email here - we use this to send notifications and gather updates - please list an email you check often!
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