You Saved Me Foundation SD Job Corps Weekly Distribution Registration Form
You Saved Me Foundation is a 501 C3 Nonprofit Public Charity. All of our programs and services are free. We do not rely on government funding for our programs. Our services will not interfere with your public benefits. We do not report any of your private information to any government agencies or entities. Your information is securely stored in our cloud online. We believe in breaking barriers and assisting immediately. For this reason we do not require an ID or have any income restrictions on any of our programs and services. This form is for statistical data and inventory ordering for our clients. If you are requiring baby diapers please list all children in the household so we can provide what is needed. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please follow the form and enter all information
 First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Language Spoken
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Which Google Course would you like to register for? Please complete the Online application for a Google Scholarship, this will ensure the Course is free for you to complete.  *
Captionless Image
Are you willing to commit 10 or more hours a week to complete the Free online Google Professional Career Certificate Course? *
Captionless Image
If you register for the Google course, Are you willing to complete periodic progress reports (a. short summary on the programs benefits, and your progress) during the course and six months and after completion?  And agree to complete the course and follow all guidelines and rules of the program? *
Which Free Support Service(s) would you like to have added to your You Saved Me Florida Membership? Check all that apply. Career and Financial Literacy programs are offered free online. Food and Hygiene can be accessed in person at local distributions. Be sure to check for the most up to date events and distributions in your area.  *
Do you belong to any of the following groups? Check all that apply.  *
Which best describes your Race/ Ethnicity? *
Are you 16 years old or older? *
How old are you? *
Income Questions
Please answer the questions to the best of your ability
Monthly Income *
Which best describes your joint Household income? *
What is your yearly income?  If no Income answer with 0. *
List all Household Members Name, Birthdate, Relationship and Race (Ex. Jose Chavez, 10/23/1988, Son, Hispanic). If you are the only member type None. *
Please Type Your Name Below as Your Signature *
Your Birthdate *
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