2024-25 Secondary Teaching for Mastery Sustaining Work Group Enrolment Form
What you will need to complete this form

To be able to complete this application form on behalf of your school, you will need your school’s URN and the following information for your participant/s. 

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. Teacher Reference Number (TRN)* 

*if you are unsure of your TRN, there are a number of ways you can find it: on your teacher training documents, on your Teachers’ Pension Document; by asking someone responsible for HR at your school; or you can request a copy (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-a-reminder-for-a-teacher-reference-number-trn) .

East Midlands South Maths Hub 2024/25 offer

In 2024/25 the Secondary Sustaining Work Groups at East Midlands South Maths Hub will work on themes that have been identified locally as a priority issue.  Based on feedback, we have also adapted our model to three full day meetings (one each term).  

Secondary Sustaining Work Group themes (2024/25):

Developing fluency with multiplicative reasoning in Key Stage 3
For schools that want to focus on developing multiplicative thinking across key areas of the curriculum in Key Stage 3.  This theme introduces NCETM resources and provides a combination of national and local training around them to support teacher professional development across the department.
Prerequisite:  n/a

Developing Problem Solving
For schools that want to build on the work started by subject leads in their community last year to develop a problem solving progression. The focus on mathematical thinking will explore practices and strategies to develop pupils’ skills and mindsets towards routine and non-routine problems.
Prerequisite:  School participated in the Secondary Subject Leaders community in 2023/2024

Relaunching a mastery approach
For schools that feel they want to go back to basics with understanding a mastery approach, perhaps due to a significant change in personnel, subject or senior leadership.  This theme has the option to come with bespoke school visits through Targeted Support in Mathematics.
Prerequisite:  n/a

Jayne Ireland (Secondary Assistant Maths Hub Lead) has created a video presentation on the themes which you can view here

The 5 Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery and The Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery will continue to be used to support schools as they refine and reflect on their mathematics provision for fidelity and consistency.  

Schools can pick one theme to work on in 2024/25 but are able to send an additional representative to the Work Group if they can commit to both participants being released to attend all sessions.

Once you have submitted the form, please email admin@emsmathshub.org.uk and copy in the Headteacher/member of SLT as confirmation of the schools commitment

To ensure you recieve all of our email correspondence please add our email address admin@emsmathshub.org.uk to your safe senders list.

For details on how East Midlands South Maths Hub handles your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy

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