NOAA Manati Ocean Surface Winds Team  Customer Satisfaction Survey
OMB-approved survey for the NOAA Manati Ocean Surface Winds Team website
OMB Control Number 0690-0030
Expires 07/31/2026
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Please provide some general feedback on our website.
It was easy to complete what I needed to do.
Very difficult
Very easy
It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do.
Took too long
Reasonable time to complete
I am satisfied with the information/service I received from the Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
Please rate your experience. *
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
The information provided was clear. *
Please rate how well this site is organized. *
Not well organized
Very well organized
How often do you visit this site? *
If you were looking for specific information, were you able to find it? *
To help us address your feedback, please share the Web address/link (URL) of a page that you are referring to.
What is your primary reason for visiting this site today?
Which category best describes you?
Do you have suggestions about how we can improve our website?
You are submitting a survey for the NOAA Manati Ocean Surface Winds Team website
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