蔵王温泉⇔山形駅西口                     zao-onsen ⇔ yamagata-station west exit    ☆free shuttle bus reservation form  
Is a free shuttle bus co-operated in Zao Onsen.We are picking up between Zao Onsen (in front of Hotel parking lot) and Yamagata station (West exit parking lot).

【運行期間】通年  下記の宿泊施設利用の方のみご利用いただけます。
 最上高湯 善七乃湯(旧大平ホテル)
★ Only available to guests staying at the following accommodation facilities.
· Mogami Takayu Zenshichinoyu(Former Ohira Hotel)

【About scheduled operation time】
 Departure from Zao Onsen is operated daily at 9:20, every day at 14:00
 From Yamagata station, it is operated every day at 10:20, every day at 15:00
 (Please note that the bus is scheduled to depart, but we will adjust the departure time from Yamagata Station with a maximum limit of 30 minutes only when a delay occurs in Yamagata Shinkansen from Tokyo to Yamagata prefecture)

 蔵王温泉発着場所は、各宿泊施設 玄関前。山形駅発着場所は、西口ロータリータクシー乗り場付近
    グーグルマップで検索できます。38°14′55.4"N   140°19′34.3"
【About place of departure and arrival】
 Arrival and departure place of Zao Onsen is in front of Hotel parking lot. Yamagata Station departs and arrives at the West Exit Rotary Taxi stand
   You can check the location on Google Maps. 38°14′55.4"N   140°19′34.3"
【About reservation】
 You can make reservations for the bus by inputting necessary information and sending it to the following form.
 However, if reservations become full, you can not get in, please be forewarned. In addition, in case of full occupancy, we will contact you from here, so please use the regular bus for a fee.
 * For round-trip or multiple use, please make a reservation for each flight.

【About deadline】
 Reservation deadline is 5 days before the use day. Please be careful.

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Email *
Mobile Number(携帯電話番号)当日までの連絡用です。必ずつながる番号を入力ください。 *
Name  (氏名)宿泊予約名でご入力ください・please state the name of your reservation . *
E-Mail address (メールアドレス)当日までの連絡用です。必ずつながる番号を入力してください。 *
Date  (送迎バス利用日) *
Nunber of passenger  (利用人員)Please enter the total number of adults and children(大人と子供の合計人数を入力して下さい) *
Shuttlle bus Time   (ご利用送迎バス時刻表)This service handies the reservation on a first -come and first-served basis.(満席の場合お断りする場合があります。ご了承ください) *
Hotel  / Ryokan of your stay.(ご利用の宿名) *
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