2024 - 2025 Internship Experience Tracking
Career Connection is here to celebrate your internship or "Get Real" experience and help students find opportunities like yours! Please complete this survey and share your experience with us. Thank you! 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address
Anticipated Graduation Year *
Major(s)/ Minor(s) *
Are you an international student? *
Are you a First-Gen Student? 
(A student for whom no Parent(s)/ Legal Guardian(s) have completed a 4-Year (Bachelor's) Degree, regardless of other family member's level of education)
Type of "Get Real" Experience  *
Employer / Organization / Program Name *
Your Position / Role *
Location (City, State / Country or Remote) *
Please indicate your experience start date.  

SP=Spring, SU=Summer, FA=Fall | Followed by Year
Ex: Spring 2023 = SP23
Which of the following best classifies your experience? (Check all that apply)
How did Career Connection help in searching for/ securing this opportunity? (Check all that apply)
Level of Satisfaction with your experience? *
Please share further details about your opportunity and how you secured it. (Optional)
Do you give Career Connection permission to display your experience information on the website?  *
Do you have another "Get Real" experience you haven't shared with us? *
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