This training session, titled "How to Sell with AI and LinkedIn," is part of our interregional initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation within the incubation and acceleration of social-digital projects. It will take place on May 9th, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, and will be conducted online.

Training Title: How to sell with AI and LinkedIn

Trainer: Inma Vázquez

Date: May 9th

Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Location: Online

*This training will be delivered in English.

This event, is part of the European project "INTEGER-4H - Interconnecting 4 Helix Innovation Ecosystems in European Regions," coordinated by the i2cat Foundation and involving Rovira i Virgili University. The project aims to foster collaboration for creating social projects, emphasizing their economic value. You're invited to learn more by visiting: [](


We kindly request you to provide the following information to complete your registration.

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Name of the Organization/Institution/Company *
Type of Organisation/Institution/Company *
Comments and interests

Purpose of the data collection activity and Legal basis of processing personal data

The purpose of collecting your data for the INTEGER Regional Col·laborathon in Catalonia to be able to contact you in relation to the activities of Col·laborathon through your email or if necessary, through the telephone.
Any recordings of meetings are considered “personal data” and their use constitutes an act of “processing of personal data”. This is an operation for which the legal basis is your consent. We will share these recordings with members of the INTEGER platform group, as well as with users INTEGER communication platforms (social media & website).

Who is responsible for the data collection and processing in this activity?
INTEGER who will have access and are responsible for the data collection and sharing in this activity. INTEGER will be both the Data Controller and Data Processor.

Personal data to be collected

For this purpose, the following personal data will be collected: Full Name, Email Address, Phone Number and the Enrolment form includes questions about your main field of work and the country of where you are based. Your answers will be recorded electronically. We are requesting your consent for use of recordings of meetings collected and shared for the INTEGER project purposes. The personal data that will be collected and captured by the tools used to organise and hold these meetings including the recording of any meetings will be: Full Name/ Organisation/ Images/ Sound Data

If you consent to the use of your Personal Data for the processes outlined in this notice, under the INTEGER project activities, please check accordingly:

Selecting "I give consent" below indicates that you agree:

1)      To participate in INTEGER Regional Col·laborathon in Catalonia

2)      For my personal data to be processed, as described above

3)      That any recordings of meetings will be shared with members of the INTEGER platform group, as well as with users INTEGER communication platforms (social media & website)

Thank you for your interest in participating in the INTEGER Col·laborathon! 
If you want to know more about the INTEGER project, please visit the website at
INTEGER4H partners
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No.101096563.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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