MS Coastal Cleanup Sand Jam Cleanup
This event is a part of the Mississippi Coastal Cleanup Program. At our events, participants pick up trash while collecting data on what kind and how much trash is cleaned up. We welcome any & all persons to join us in our effort to remove debris from our beaches. Let's have some fun!

Event Details:
When: Saturday, June 1, 2024, 8:00 am- 9:30 am
Where: Pascagoula Beach Park, Pascagoula, MS 
What: Join us at the beach for a cleanup event to kick off Sand Jam 2024. All cleanup supplies are provided.
Weather happens! Please keep in mind that this cleanup is subject to cancellation.

During this registration process:
  • Please provide as accurate volunteer/group information as you can including the estimated # of volunteers. 
  • Large groups can be registered by one person - this person can sign the liability waiver for the minors in the group and will be our point of contact on event details.
  • Our events are kid and family-friendly. All groups with children under the age of 18 must sign the liability waiver at the end of this registration and have a guardian present during the event.
If you have questions about registration, please email the Program Coordinator @
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Name *
Email *
Organization (please include number of volunteers if registering for a group) *
Have you ever participated in a cleanup before? *
Liability Waiver
If anyone in your group is under 18 years of age, please read the instructions and waiver below. If everyone is over 18 years of age, please continue.

* Signing this waiver will cover each minor in your group. If parents would prefer to sign for their child individually, please email the event coordinator for a printable version of the waiver. Again, signing individually is not necessary to partake in the cleanup activities as long the waiver below is signed by an adult of the participating group.
Children are welcome and encouraged to participate in the cleanup but must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The Mississippi Coastal Cleanup Program and Site Captains do not have the resources available and will not provide supervision for children.

I understand that I and/or my child is/are undertaking this volunteer activity at my and/or his/her own risk in exchange for the opportunity to participate in the Mississippi Coastal Cleanup event. I understand that there are dangers inherent in cleaning our beaches and waterways including, but not limited to, bodily injury, disability, and death. I am fully aware of these dangers, as well as other unnamed risks for which I accept the legal and financial responsibility, therefore, for myself and/or my child. I agree that I and/or my child will dress appropriately for this activity. For myself, my heirs and assigns, I further agree to the use of my and/or my child’s name and/or likeness in any video or still photography, which may be used on social media and/or other agency websites.

I do hereby agree that the Mississippi Coastal Cleanup Program and partners are not responsible or liable in any way for any injury or damages and I release, discharge, and hold harmless the Mississippi Coastal Cleanup Program Team and its partners from any and all claims I, or my estate, heirs and assigns, do or may have with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death or property damage as a result of my activities/participation or my child’s activities/participation in this cleanup. I understand that none of the parties listed above carry medical insurance for my or my child’s injuries or illnesses.

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