SwitchedOn Certification Course Feedback
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Background Information
What is your profession? (e.g., Coach, Physical Trainer, Therapist, etc.)
What sport or category do you focus on? (e.g., Soccer, Active Aging, Military, etc.)
Course Content
How relevant did you find the course content to your coaching/training needs?

Was the course material presented in a clear and understandable manner?


How would you rate the depth of the information provided?

Delivery and Structure
How engaging was the course instructor and content?
How well structured was the course? (Consider the progression of modules and lessons)
What did you think of the course length? *
Applicability and Practicality
How confident do you feel in applying what you've learned to your coaching/training practices?
Overall Satisfaction
Overall, how satisfied are you with the SwitchedOn Certification Course? *
Would you recommend this course to other coaches and trainers? *
What was the primary benefit(s) you received from taking this course?
What did you like most about the course?
What aspects of the course could be improved?
Are there any topics or areas you wish the course had covered?
Any additional comments or suggestions?
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