Slices Student Survey
We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on how we can enhance your experience! Please note that while we value all suggestions, some may be subject to restrictions set by Dubai Municipality and may not be feasible to implement.
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Name *
Grade  *
How often do you buy food or drinks from the school canteen? *
How would you rate the variety of food options available? *

How would you rate the quality of the food?

Are there enough healthy options available? *
How would you rate the pricing of the items in the canteen? *
Too expensive
Very affordable
How would you rate the speed of service at the canteen? *
Very slow
Very fast
Do you feel you understand how to properly use the separate waste bins in the canteen (e.g., recycling, compost, general waste)? *

How important do you think it is to separate food waste from other types of waste in the canteen?

Why do you think separating food waste is important (or not)?
(Optional: Share your thoughts!)
What are your favorite items on the menu? *
Are there any items on the menu that you don’t particularly enjoy? *
What would you like to see improved in the school canteen?
(Please share your thoughts!)
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