CPDS Health programme review
Every two years the school is required to seek feedback from its community on the health programmes we offer. In addition to the survey we will be running a focus group, in early Term 2. If you are interested in taking part in this group to discuss our programmes in more depth, please indicate this at the end of the survey.  This survey will close at the end of Term 1.

Please note: The information collected for this survey will be used solely to collect schoolwide data to provide information that will help inform our programmes moving forward, as well as contact details for those who wish to join a focus group. Once the survey is closed and the schoolwide data collated, and people are contacted for the focus group, all data collected from individuals will be destroyed.

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1. Health Programmes
We offer a range of Health programmes. Please rate how valuable you feel the following programmes are:- *
Very Valuable
Have some value
Limited Value
Unable to comment
Puberty Education for Y6
Life Education Caravan
Keeping Ourselves Safe (Police programme to protect children against abuse)
Anti-Bullying programmes like Kia Kaha
Stepping out (Police programme to promote safe walking to and from school)
Bike Wise Yr 5 (To prepare to ride to school in year 6)
Caught Being Good awards
Please note below particular concerns and/ or please list any other programmes you feel the school should consider providing
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