GNYSAA 19th Annual Raymond F. Church Service to Youth Baseball Award Dinner  November 21, 2024 630pm at Russo's on The Bay in Howard Beach.
You will be able to register to purchase an individual ticket,  purchase multiple tickets or a table of 10. You can use either our QR code or Online payment Link on our website
 or arrange to mail your check. You will receive a receipt once you complete this form. 

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Register to attend and purchase dinner tickets *
Your full name *
Your Phone # *
List name of your organization *
List the names of all your attendees if more than yourself. You can include TBA of your guests so we know the number of attendees attending from your group, Enter NA if not applicable *
Are you interested in being contacted to purchase a Journal Ad or Sponsorship? *
If purchasing a Journal Ad or Sponsorship please list your Company name, Address, website, phone# and any other info you'd like to share. ( A GNYSAA representative  will contact you to further discuss) If it doesn't apply please enter NA
Please select your payment method. You can scan the  QR code on our website after completing this form. The website has the information to mail your check in.  *
Please select your payment method. You can scan the  QR code below  using the SHOP Now button after completing this form. The website has the information to mail your check in.  You can also cut and paste below link:
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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