Volunteer Registration
Thank you for your interest in volunteering during the March for Voting Rights which will take place on August 28th, 2021.

Please read volunteer descriptions, walk through date/time, and arrival time day of March.

Please complete this form in its entirety. Volunteer description details will be emailed once selections are completed below.

WALK THROUGH: All volunteers should attend the walk through on Friday, August 27th from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm.

ARRIVAL TIME DAY OF MARCH: All volunteers MUST arrive at 6 am on Saturday, August 28th, and stay until 3 pm.


Clean-Up Committee - helping out with trash/clean-up during and once the event is over.

Floater - This role is for various tasks which may include voter registration, helping vendors set up, social media help, helping distribute shirts, and communication help for staff.

Hospitality - Responsibilities may include identifying areas where volunteers need to serve as hostesses; developing a logistical plan; making shift assignments for hostesses; providing necessary hospitality orientation; assigning area captains or team leaders for activities; contacting each committee to determine specific hospitality needs; coordinate the issuance of credentials for various levels of access; coordinate volunteers to work the lost and found tent and to ensure that all bus passengers have boarded their buses and have departed DC prior to shutting down.

Lost & Found Committee - This role requires the management of onsite unification tents stationed at the Lincoln Memorial, on the Mall, and have direct communication with staff for announcements to reunite individuals with their party attending the march.

Marshals - to help ensure the safety of the participants and those involved in the march. Marshals will be responsible for maintaining order at the front of the march. Marshals should be able to take direction and assist with movement, crowd control and please stay out of any press shots, when possible.

Medical/EMS Committee (certified volunteers only) - This committee is responsible for ensuring appropriate coordination of health and medical coverage by establishing first-aid stations, arranging for emergency hospital transport, and operating a central first-aid command post.

Set Up Committee - This committee will be asked to help set up chairs and equipment for the event.  Volunteers can help the day of the event or on Friday, August 27th.

Transportation Committee - This committee is responsible for the coordination of traffic control and transportation management activities, as well as the coordination of public transportation, help people navigate Washington D.C in order to arrive at the March. Some volunteers will be stationed at certain D.C landmarks where they will be asked to assist people attending the march.


To protect your health and the health of others, in compliance with COVID-19 Washington, DC Health Guidance for Conservation of Personal Protective Equipment, you are required to wear a PPE mask in public in Washington, DC. We will supply PPE materials.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges those participating in large gatherings to use face masks.

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Volunteer Roles (Please Check All Of Interest) *
Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19? *
Have volunteered at a NAN event before? *
If yes, which event? Please list event title and year.
Will you require reasonable accommodations? * *
Are you a member of National Action Network?
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