Mr. Korpi's Calculus BC PARENT Questionnaire 2021-2022
This form will be used for my records, for parent contact information, and to send out my Monday Mail.

Parents please fill out the questions below. Feel free to include input from your child. Your child has a separate form I will be asking them to fill out.
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Email *
Do you have an additional email address that I can use to communicate with you (Monday Mail)? If so, please provide that email address below.
Child's name? (Last, First) *
Parent/Guardian(s) Name(s) (First and Last) *
What is a good phone number that I can use to communicate with you if necessary? *
Are there any circumstances I need to be aware of or additional information I need to help me better work with your child? (If none, please type NONE.) *
PARENTS: Please read my Cell Phone use policy: Mr. Korpi does not allow cell phones to be out at all during instruction time.  Any student found in violation of this rule will have their phone confiscated.  This phone may then be picked up in Mr. Korpi's room after school that day following a student-teacher conference.  Please type your initials to acknowledge this policy. *
This course will incorporate the use of a graphing calculator. Mr. Korpi will demonstrate how to properly and powerfully use this handheld computer using a TI-84 family calculator.  While he has a classroom set, they may not leave the classroom.  Therefore, Mr. Korpi encourages each student who does not currently own a graphing calculator to purchase a TI-84 family calculator.  This device has all the power and capabilities a student might need for any advanced math course in high school or beyond.  Students may also utilize the online calculator emulator I demonstrate in class.  Please type initials. This will serve as your signature. *
PARENTS: I have read the parent/student (available in Canvas and/or at www.korpisworld) with my child.  I understand the course policies and will support them.  I will contact Mr. Korpi by email if I have any concerns on my child’s progress.  I understand that it is my child’s responsibility to turn assignments in on time, attend tutorials as needed, and come to class prepared with all materials and with their iPad charged. Type initials. This will serve as your signature. *
As a parent of a student in Mr. Korpi's AP Calculus class, I know the expectation is that my son or daughter will not only TAKE the AP Calculus Exam, but will PASS the exam.  With Mr. Korpi's help and expertise combined with my student's diligent efforts as well as my own encouragement at home, a path towards a perfect AP score of 5 will be paved for my child to follow right up to the AP Calculus Exam.  I will encourage my son/daughter to attend after-school and weekend AP Reviews as the morning of the Monday, May 9th exam date approaches.  STUDENTS WHO ATTEND THESE REVIEWS HISTORICALLY ALL PASS THE TEST.  Please type initials. This will serve as your signature. *
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