Edinburgh Tenants' Survey - Living Rent
Far too many landlords and letting agents get away with treating tenants terribly - they routinely break laws, rip us off, and refuse to make the repairs they’re responsible for. But enough is enough - we are fighting back.

Will you take a couple minutes to fill out this short survey about dodgy landlord practices?

We don’t just want to know, though. We want to fix it. So fill this out and we’ll be in touch about how we can help you get you back the money you’re owed, the repairs you’re due, and the accommodation all of us deserve.

We also don’t only want to know about your current landlord or letting agent, but about anything in the last 5 years - if you have been charged a fee over that period, it is not too late to get it back. And current tenants of your former landlord might benefit from knowing more about theirs!
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Have you ever been charged anything other than rent and a deposit by your landlord or letting agent?
Anything else is an illegal ‘premium fee’ - sometimes these will be “admin fees”, charges for “reference or credit checks”, “swapping tenancies”, or general paperwork charges.
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Could you give us more details?
Has your landlord or letting agent unfairly withheld a deposit?
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Could you give us more details?
Has your landlord or letting agent ever refused to make repairs you’ve asked for? This could be things like damp, mould, heating, or anything else.
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Could you give us more details?
Is there any other bad practice your landlord or letting agent has been guilty off? Please don’t forget to name them!
Your name: *
We will never share your data with an external organisation without your explicit permission, and you can always request that we remove it from our records. Contact information submitted here will only be used to get in touch about supporting you with the issues raised in this survey.
Your phone number: *
Your email address: *
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