Email Sequence Request Form
Your answers help me write the best possible email sequence for you.

Answer the questions you can. If I need more information, I will say so during our email communication.

If you have market research, testimonials, reviews, Customer Persona write-ups, or additional material I can see please let me know where I can access it.
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Email *
Number of emails to be written *
If this sequence follows a download, how do I get a copy?
Who is your target market? The reader's title or job function will suffice. *
Who is the email coming from? An individual or a team? *
The tone you want the emails written in - corporate, casual, self-effacing humor *
The link to the material you want people view or read and I am to use as reference *
Your Call to Action *
How do I address the invoice? Invoicing will be through PayPal so what email address do I use?
What else should I know?
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