Essen 2024 Volunteer application form

We are in need of some volunteers for Essen Spiel 2024 (Oct 2-6) in Germany. At our booth you would be helping out with the selling of our games, talking to customers, showcasing our products, going on a hunt for tasty snackos, coffee runs for sure, ooh maybe donuts, wait, what was I talking about? Oh, right! So basically anything and everything that might happen at a boardgame expo. If you are so inclined, you could maybe even help out with the playtests? We have designers already scheduled for these, but just as a backup idea. 

We will choose the folks who are best suited for this depending on your application below. We would like to bring you all, but a selection has to be made. 

In exchange for your help, you will receive a exhibitor ticket, which grants you access to the expo before the "regular" visitors. No travel or hotel expenses will be reimbursed, it's just the ticket. And life long friendships with the Ion Game Design crew, of course. Aaaand cuz we're buddies, there might even be discounts on the stuff in our booth. 
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Email *
Name *
Phone number (including country number) *
Age *
Postal address *
Please check the boxes for the days when you could be available to help out at our booth.  *
Have you been to Essen before? *
Are you comfortable with talking to strangers? *
Do you have friends who are applying to this? If so, could you share their personal info so we might coordinate accordingly?
Have you worked in the service industry? (A.K.A. shops, restaurants, call-centers, customer support, icecream van driver, things like this where you deal with customers directly and solve promblems on the fly) *
Are you comfortable with reading up on some basic rules for our games before the expo? *
Are you allergic to anything? *
What is your favorite boardgame, and why? (No need to say any of ours, we just want to get to know you a bit!) *
What else can you tell us about yourself? The floor is yours!
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