Share your experiences of using financial and insurance services as a women's health / sexual wellness brand
Have you experienced discrimination as a women's health or sexual wellbeing brand when it comes to accessing banking, insurance or payment provider services? 

We supporting The Guardian with an investigation into this issue - and need your help!

Please complete our short survey and help us build a picture of the impact of this so that we can influence change.

Please also share this survey so that we can include as many voices as possible.

This survey remains open so that we can collect as many examples as possible.

Thank you

Clio & Anna
Co-founders of CensHERship campaign
Clio is a women's health advocate, author and founder of &Breathe
Anna is founder of FutureFemHealth

Email us: 

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1. What financial service(s) have you experienced issues with? (Tick all that apply)
2. What is the name of the financial institution(s) involved (please list as many as you like!)
3. Please describe the nature of the issues you faced
4. Please describe the issue you faced in more detail - what happened and what was the reason given? Were you given any notice?
5. What has been the impact of this to you / your business
6. Please describe any further details of the impact to you and your business i.e costs, time lost
7. Is there anything else you'd like to share with us on this topic?
8. Where do you mainly operate?
9. What your name and the name of your business?
10. Do you consent to the use of your anonymised data for research and advocacy purposes? (Anonymised data will also be shared with The Guardian to inform the media coverage)
11. Please write your email address if you are happy for us to contact you for further details and/or to be a case study for media?
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