Campus Ministry National Eucharistic Congress Trip Application
Indianapolis, IN -- July 17-21
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Class Year *
Preferred First Name (if different)
Cell Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Which institution do you attend? *
How are you currently involved in your faith life on campus? (Please check all that apply.) *
The National Eucharistic Congress will allow you to encounter Jesus and the Church in a unique and profound way.  How have you encountered God so far in your life?  (750 CHARACTERS or less) *
How would attendance at the National Eucharistic Congress help you grow in your faith? (750 characters or less) *
Do you anticipate being able to cover the cost of your travel to and from the Congress as well as your food during the Congress? *
Campus Ministry will cover the cost of Congress registration and loding.
If you have any allergies or other medical conditions that will require special attention, please briefly explain here.
Any particular comments, questions, or concerns?
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