Register to attend the Avolonto hearings
Please complete this form to register to attend the arbitration hearings for Prof. Aimé Avolonto. The next hearing is Thursday, February 29 at 5:00 p.m. EST. The hearings are open to the public, as is required by the York University Faculty Association collective agreement. Participants may attend as much or as little of the hearings as they choose. Participants may only participate as observers and will not be able to speak, ask questions, comment, etc. More hearing dates will be added once they are confirmed.
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Optional: Organization (faculty association, student or trade union, community group, etc.)
Are you attending as a member of the media? *
If you are attending as media, please indicate the name of your organization (newspaper or magazine, radio or TV program, podcast, blog, etc.).
Which hearing dates would you like to attend? Check all that apply. *
Would you like to be notified about other hearing dates, once they are confirmed? *
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