EMS Anonymous Reporting
Please fill out this form to SAY SOMETHING.  It's easy and completely confidential to report safety concerns to help prevent violence and tragedies. Call 911 immediately if you believe you are experiencing an emergency.

Please use the form below to report an issue of concern. For each prompt, give as much information as you can. The more info, the better!

The information you provide through this anonymous form will be reviewed by EMS administration and followed up on.
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Who is involved? *
What happened? *
When did this happen? *
Where did this happen? *
How do you know? *
Are there any other witnesses that may be helpful for us to talk to? If so, who? List their names (first and last) here. If there were no other witnesses, leave this question blank.
If you feel comfortable giving us your name (in case we have additional questions) or would like us to follow up with you, please give us your first and last name so we can contact you. If you would like to remain anonymous, leave this question blank.
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