Web application security

We invite you to complete a short survey about your impressions when using web application security audits. Your answers will help us create a tool that is suited to your needs.

The survey is anonymous, it will take you less than 3 minutes to complete. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, and your every opinion is important.

Questions marked with * are obligatory.

Thank you for your time,
Dev Academy Team
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How do you “verify” the security of your Web app?
Are you comfortable with your current way of verifying security?
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Did you ever use securityheaders.com/ or similar sites?
If yes - what other scanning tools did you use?
In your opinion is HTTP Headers scanner useful to provide a security audit of a Web application?
Are you aware of HTTP Security Headers like “Content Security Policy” or HSTS?
What would you expect of an online Web application security audit?
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