Cal Young Parent and Student Survey - What are your needs for remote learning?
Please fill out this survey to give the Cal Young staff more detailed information about your online readiness for learning activities.  Please complete one per student; You can fill out additional forms after submitting the first, if needed.  Additionally, you may want to check in with a family member about who is responding to the survey since we only need one per child.  Thank you!

Students or families who have not responded to the survey will be called soon after our staff meets (remotely) on Monday the 30th at 11am.  Our first task will be to check in with families and collect as much information as possible regarding wellness and readiness for remote learning.

In your service,
The Cal Young staff
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Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Grade *
Best phone number to reach a parent *
1st Period Teacher (2nd Trimester- NOT 3rd Trimester- some were about to switch) *
Does your student have their iPad or other device for internet/browser access available at home? *
Does your student need to pick up their iPad or materials from locker/classroom? *
Does your student have a charger at home to keep iPad charged? *
Optional: Please explain any additional materials needed…
Would you or your student be available to pick up any needed materials during the week of March 30- April 3? *
Optional: What are the best times for your student to come pick items up?
Will your student have access to wireless/WiFi at home? *
Can your student work on assignments at home during the regularly scheduled school day? *
Do you anticipate any barriers for your student/family in being able to participate in remote teacher and learning? *
Would your student be interested in video/phone conferences for academic support? *
Optional: Is there any additional information we need from your family in order to assist you?
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