TUHSD Safety Concern Reporting Form
Students, staff, parents, or community members may use this reporting form to report any concerns about potential threats to the safety of students, staff, and community at any TUHSD school.  Please know that concerns that are reported are taken seriously and each concern will be investigated and evaluated in order to ensure the safety of our community.  If you know of a threat that is planned to occur (imminent) please call 911 and report it immediately.  
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What school site are you concerned about? *
What is your affiliation with the school? *
TUHSD Employees: Please list your name and telephone number so that we may follow up with you immediately.  
Please describe your safety concern.  (Be as detailed as possible.)   *
What is the name of individual that you are concerned about? *
Are there any individuals who may have more information about this situation? If so, please list their names below so that we may follow up with them.  
May we contact you to learn more about this situation? *
If yes, what is your name and contact information?
I understand that knowingly and intentionally submitting a false safety concern report may result in school discipline and a report may be made to the police department.  *
Thank you for completing the safety concern form. The next steps are that a member of the TUHSD staff will investigate the concern that you've reported and will address it accordingly.  If you've listed your contact information a staff member will contact you.  
If you are concerned about an imminent threat, please call 911 immediately.  
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