CIBACS Job Shadow Mentor Interest Form
The current junior classes are in need of additional career mentors this winter in order to fulfill their 10 hour job shadowing experience for the CIBACS Fastrak project.  If you are open to discussing the possibility of a job shadow opportunity with a junior student anytime this winter until the middle of February, please respond to this form.  We are looking for opportunities that will allow a hands-on experience combined with directed research from the mentor to help further their education about your career.   The hours of operation are negotiable with the student involved.  Their parents will occasionally need to excuse them from class as needed in order to create an opportunity to work.  Transportation to and from your facility is the sole responsibility of the student involved.    

Once we release this information to the students, those who still do not have a confirmed mentor,  will choose someone to contact from this list on their own time as needed.  We truly appreciate your time and effort to make CIBACS a great program!
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Phone Number *
Email address *
Job Title *
Company Name *
Job Description *
Your Availability
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