2024 Buck or Die National Majorette Competition Tour!! (DANCE TEAMS ONLY!!!!) 
This is a pre-registration form to receive the Competition REGISTRATION LINK EARLY!!! This form does NOT guarantee you a slot. Slots are only guaranteed after you make the payment when registration opens. This form ensures you will receive the info early!!! This form is for dance teams only!! 
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Email *
WHAT IS THE DANCE Team NAME? (First & Last)  *
Are you prepared to pay the per dancer & registration fee when it's time to register? Per fees will be $25-50 and Registration fee $50-$100 per team *
What is your  Phone Number (please include area code) *
Have you ever filed a Chargeback for Buck or Die? We have a full list of names to verify this as well. Please answer honestly.  *
What Buck or Die Location are you interested in competing? *
Majorette University Coach Program will be at selected sites. Are you a COACH and interested in this training?  *
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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