Project Partner Application (Design Buddies & UXGO)

Design Buddies and UXGO is the world's largest design community. Together, we'll run a UX team to help ship your products. 

We're looking for startups with products working on products that are doing social good in tech. Your product can be mobile, desktop, wearable, or AR/VR as we have expert design coaches in all those areas. 

After the project, you have an option to hire the designers. 

Please submit this form before Sat Sep 16. 

Questions? Email Grace Ling ( and Leon Zhang (

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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your company's name? *
What is your company's website? *
What is your company size? *
What is your role at the company? *

What type of design projects are you interested in creating with us? Please provide a brief description of a potential project you’d like to collaborate on.


What are the primary goals for your partnership with us?

(Select all that apply)


What level of involvement do you anticipate in mentoring and evaluating students? (Select all that apply)


Is there anything else you’d like us to know about your company or your interest in partnering with us?

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