Oviedo Historical Society Volunteer Application
Please fill out the following information to sign up as a volunteer for the Oviedo Historical Society/Oviedo Farmers Market. Volunteering at the Oviedo Farmers Market may involve setting up, cleaning prep for the market, helping vendors, cleaning of the Lawton House, learning about Oviedo History, providing guest and vendor support, prep & management of the kids and craft area, providing change for swag sold, and social media content creation. We look to provide you with areas you want to learn more about as well.
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Phone number *
Are you over 18? *
What grade are you in?
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Name, Address, & Phones Number of Parent/Sponsor/Guardian (If above question is No)
Which volunteer position(s) are you interested in? *
Are you volunteering hours toward a Bright Futures Scholarship or school requirement? *
Would you like to be considered for the Oviedo Historical Society Senior Student Scholarship? *
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