Rainbow Scholars 2022-2023 Application Form
The Office of Gender and Sexuality Student Programs (GSSP) and Center for Women and Business (CWB) are excited to open applications for the launch of Rainbow Scholars at Bentley University.

This one-year leadership program will provide LGBTQ+ (and allied) undergraduate members of the Bentley community with the opportunity to grow in both their personal and professional development through learning and engagement events. Through different workshop and programming opportunities, Rainbow Scholars will leave this program having developed skills of leadership, advocacy, identity awareness, and personal/professional development. Rainbow Scholars receive $500 each semester for their involvement in the program.

An information session will be held on Wednesday, September 14 from 2-3:30pm in the Gender and Sexuality Student Lounge and via Instagram Live (@cwbbentley). This information session will occur in the form of two 45-minute sessions to accommodate interested attendees' schedules.

The mandatory Rainbow Orientation for accepted applicants will take place on Tuesday, September 27.

Note: Students who are not studying abroad will receive priority for involvement in the Rainbow Scholars program.

To view more about program requirements and specifics, please view the program description document here.

Please reach out to Nana Adu, GSSP Coordinator, at nadu@bentley.edu and Dominique Wilburn, CWB Assistant Director of Programs at dwilburn@bentley.edu with any questions about this application or the program.

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First & Last Name *
Class Year *
Will you be studying abroad at some point in the 2022-2023 academic year? Please note that we are prioritizing students not studying abroad for the academic year, and folks are encouraged to apply in future years. *
In completing this application, you are welcome to either complete written responses or upload a video addressing your responses to the questions. Neither format is more favorable than the other, these options are to allow you the opportunity to best express yourself. Please select below which option you would like to proceed with. *
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