RAB Foster Application
Please fill out the following fields. A RAB volunteer will contact you as soon as possible. NOTE: All * are required fields*
Thank you for your interest in fostering a Boxer.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State/Province *
Phone Number *
Other Phone Number *
Date of application *
Your Reference Name: *
Your Relation to the Reference *
How long have you known Reference? *
My Spouse's Name (First, Last)
My Spouse's Email
My Spouse's Phone Number
Your Occupation: *
Do you live in *
Do you *
If you rent do you have permission from your landlord to keep a dog? *
Do you have a yard? *
Type of fence and height *
My Landlord's information (if applicable)
Is someone home during the day? *
How long will the dog be left during a typical day? *
What provisions will be made for your foster dog if nobody is home during the day? *
Do you understand the dog MUST be exercised on a leash in a safe place? *
Where will your foster dog sleep? *
Number of Adults in the home: *
Number of children in the home: *
Ages of your children *
We also have the following livestock *
I have this many cats now: *
I have this many dogs now: *
What breed is/are your dog(s)? *
What is the gender of your dog(s)? *
What is the age(s) of your dog(s)? *
Are your dogs Spayed/Neutered? *
If your dogs are not Spayed/Neutered, please explain why.
Are your pets vaccinated and on heart worm prevention?
Clear selection
My vet is (name, clinic and phone number)
Do your pets get along with other dogs? *
Have you owned a Boxer before? *
In the last 5 years I've had this many dogs
Are you prepared to assume the daily responsibilities of caring for a foster dog? * *
Will you follow all veterinarian instructions provided & administer all medications to your foster? * *
Will you follow training and medical advice given by RAB? *
Do you agree RAB will make all medical & adoption decisions for our dogs? * *
Will you contact RAB officials if you are taking your foster out of town? * *
Are you prepared to contact RAB immediately if your foster dog bites anyone or injures another pet? * *
Will you keep the dog confined when outdoors (SUPERVISED), walk/exercise the dog regularly? * *
Will you obey leash laws? *
Will you allow the dog indoors? * *
Do you understand that only RAB officials may place your foster dog in an adoptive home? * *
Do you understand that if you decide to keep your foster dog you must sign the adoption agreement? *
If you do adopt the dog, do you agree to pay the adoption fee? * *
Are you willing to allow a RAB volunteer to visit your home by appt? * *
How did you hear about "Rescue  A Boxer?" *
I attest to the truthfulness of my answers (input your name, this is your electronic signature) *
Additional comments or questions
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