Volunteer Application
Come join the Lawrence Public Library volunteer or the Friends & Foundation team today! Please make sure to answer all the following questions.

Note: We do not offer community service opportunities at this time.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Your Pronoun(s) *
Email *
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
How many hours would you like to volunteer per week? *
Preferred Position *
Why are you interested in volunteering? Please indicate if you are completing requirements for school, work, or community service credit. *
Tell us about your skills, training, interests, or hobbies. *
Do you have previous volunteer experience you'd like us to know about? *
Who should we contact in case of an emergency? *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Electronic Signature *
By signing this form below, you affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. We screen all potential staff (whether paid or unpaid), board members, and volunteers on the Kansas Bureau of Investigation Registry and the National Sex Offender Registry.  By completing this application, you are submitting to such an inquiry.
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